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北京大学海外学者讲学计划 | Ana Pombo:细胞特异性三维基因组

  主讲人:Ana Pombo

  Professor,Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology



  2022年11月15日星期二 15:30-17:00






  Dr. Ana Pombo obtained her B.S. degree in Biochemistry from the University of Lisbon, Portugal, and her Ph.D. degree in Physiological Sciences from the University of Oxford, UK in 1998. Dr. Pombo has been a member of the Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology, Max Delbrück Centre for Medical Medicine since 2013, and the deputy scientific director since 2019. Dr. Ana Pombo is elected member of the European Academy of Sciences and EMBO. She is also on the editorial board of Cell, Dev Cell, etc.

  The Pombo lab is interested in understanding the interplay between gene regulation and genome architecture, toward defining rules and principles of genome function. They study mechanisms of gene expression at multiple levels, from the local action of transcription factors to long-range chromatin looping events that connect regulatory DNA sequences with the genes they regulate, to how whole chromosomes are positioned within cell nuclei. The works have been published in Nature, Nature Methods, Mol. Cell, etc.