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高毅勤, 研究员

T: +86-010-62752431
E: gaoyq@pku.edu.cn


  1972 年出生,1993 年本科毕业于四川大学化学系,1996 年在中科院化学所获得硕士学位,2001 年获得加州理工学院博士学位。2001 年- 2004 年在加州理工学院和哈佛大学做博士后研究。2004 年 -2010 年在美国德克萨斯农工大学(Texas A&M University)化学系任助理教授;2010 年起任北京大学化学与分子工程学院教授,2013 年起同时担任北京大学生物医学前沿创新中心研究员。主要从事生物物理化学/ 理论化学方面的基础研究,坚持寻求复杂化学和生物体系的物理本质和分子机理。曾获2014 年日本化学会 “Distinguished Lectureship Award”, 国际QSCP(Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics)组织2014 年度“Promising Scientist Prize”, 和2016 年亚太理论与计算化学家协会“Pople Medal”等奖项。截止2019 年2 月共发表SCI 论文120 余篇。现任国际纯粹与应用化学联合会(IUPAC)财务委员会领衔委员、中国化学会副秘书长、中国化学会生物物理化学专业委员会主任、中国化学会理论化学专业委员会委员。




1. Manas Mondal, Lijiang Yang, Zhicheng Cai, Piya Patra, Yi Qin Gao*,A Perspective on the Molecular Simulation of DNA from Structural and Functional Aspects,Chem.sci, 2021, 12: 5390-5409.

2. Juping Wang, Hui Gao, Lijiang Yang*, Yi Qin Gao*, Role of Engineered Iron-haem Enzyme in Reactivity and Stereoselectivity of Intermolecular Benzylic C-H Bond Amination. ACS Catalysis, 2020,10(9):5318-5327.

3. Zhuoran Qiao, Zhao, YuhengZhao,Yi Qin Gao*, Ice Nucleation of Confined Monolayer Water Conforms to Classical Nucleation Theory,The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2019,10(11): 3115-3121.

4. Hu Zeng, Manas Mondal, Ruyi Song, Jun Zhang, Bo Xia, Menghao Liu, Chenxu Zhu, Bo He, Yi Qin Gao*, Chengqi Yi*, Unnatural Cytosine Bases Recognized as Thymines by DNA Polymerases by the Formation of the Watson-Crick Geometry, Angew Chem Int Edit, 2019, 58:130-133.

5. Jinbo Peng, Duanyun Cao, Zhili He, Jing Guo, Prokop Hapala, Runze Ma, Bowei Cheng, Ji Chen, Wen Jun Xie, Xin-Zheng Li, Pavel Jelίnek, Li-Mei Xu*, Yi Qin Gao*, En-Ge Wang*, Ying Jiang*, The Effect of Hydration Number on the Interfacial Transport of Sodium Ions, Nature, 2018, 557:701-707.

6. Sirui Liu, Ling Zhang, Hui Quan, Hao Tian, Luming Meng, Lijiang Yang, Huajie Feng, Yi Qin Gao*, From 1D Sequence to 3D Chromatin Dynamics and Cellular Functions: a Phase Separation Perspective, Nucleic Acids Res, 2018, 46(18):9367-9383.

7. Jun Zhang, Zhen Zhang, Yi Isaac Yang, Sirui Liu, Lijiang Yang*, Yi Qin Gao*, Rich Dynamics Underlying Solution Reactions Revealed by Sampling and Data Mining of Reactive Trajectories, ACS Cent Sci, 2017, 3(5):407-414.

8. Chenxu Zhu, Lining Lu, Jun Zhang, Zongwei Yue, Jinghui Song, Shuai Zong, Menghao Liu, Olivia Stovicek, Yi Qin Gao*, Chengqi Yi*, Tautomerization-Dependent Recognition and Excision of Oxidation Damage in Base-Excision DNA Repair, P Natl Acad Sci USA, 2016, 113(28):7792-7797.

9. Lijiang Yang, Cheng-Wen Liu, Qiang Shao, Jun Zhang, Yi Qin Gao*, From Thermodynamics to Kinetics: Enhanced Sampling of Rare Events, Accounts Chem Res, 2015, 48(4):947-955.