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高歌, 研究员

T: +86-10-62755206
E: gaog@pku.edu.cn



  高歌博士,2006年获得北京大学生物信息学博士学位,2011年获聘北京大学生命科学学院、生物信息中心暨蛋白质与植物基因研究国家重点实验室研究员。近五年来,课题组自主开发的十余个生物信息学新算法软件及数据库获得超过5亿次的外部有效访问(其中半数以上来自海外),跻身于国内自主开发最具国际影响力的生物信息技术行列。 2013年以来,高歌博士作为主要作者在Bioinformatics、Nucleic Acids Research、Genome Research、Molecular Biology and Evolution等生物信息学与基因组学高影响力杂志上发表了13篇论文,其中有4篇被评列为ESI Highly Cited (Top 1%) Paper,引用数在本领域过去10年所有SCI收录论文中位列前1%;另有4篇分别入选了InCoB’16 Best Paper、Faculty of 1000 Very Good Paper,并被相应杂志标为Highly Accessed Paper。

  自2011年以来,高歌博士已连续四届通过全球选举当选为亚太地区最早的生物信息学组织亚太生物信息学网络(Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Network, APBioNET)执行委员会委员暨中国联络员(Liaison),并于2016年起任APBioNET副理事长(Vice President on Education)。2013年,高歌博士作为生物信息学方向唯一的人选获得国家首届万人计划青年拔尖人才计划的支持,并于2014年、2015年作为专家委员暨共同发起人入选了首届中国生物工程学会计算生物学与生物信息学专业委员会、首届中国遗传学会生物大数据专业委员会,并任中国人工智能学会生物信息学与人工生命专业委员会专家委员。

  在ICG,高歌课题组将持续以生物信息学新技术、方法与平台开发为基础,综合运用大数据与统计学习(Statistical Learning)等计算方法,致力于系统解读以基因表达为中心的调控通路的功能及演化。



  1. Cheng S. J., Shi F. Y., Liu H., Ding Y., Jiang S., Liang N., Gao G.* 2017. Accurately annotate compound effects of genetic variants using a context-sensitive framework. Nucleic Acids Res. 45(10): e82. (Featured as “Highly Accessed”)

  2. Jin J., Tian F., Yang D. C., Meng Y. Q., Kong L., Luo J., Gao G.* 2017. PlantTFDB 4.0: toward a central hub for transcription factors and regulatory interactions in plants. Nucleic Acids Res 45(D1): D1040-D1045. (Featured as ESI Highly Cited (Top 1%) Paper)

  3. Hou M., Tian F., Jiang S., Kong L., Yang D., Gao G.* 2016a. LocExpress: a web server for efficiently estimating expression of novel transcripts. BMC Genomics 17(13): 175-179. (Featured as Best Paper at InCoB’16)

  4. Hou M., Tang X., Tian F., Shi F., Liu F., Gao G.* 2016b. AnnoLnc: a web server for systematically annotating novel human lncRNAs. BMC Genomics 17(1): 931.

  5. Hu B., Jin J., Guo A. Y., Zhang H., Luo J., Gao G.* 2015. GSDS 2.0: an upgraded gene feature visualization server. Bioinformatics 31(8): 1296-1297. (Featured as ESI Highly Cited (Top 1%) Paper)

  6. Jin J., He K., Tang X., Li Z., Lv L., Zhao Y., Luo J., Gao G.* 2015. An Arabidopsis Transcriptional Regulatory Map Reveals Distinct Functional and Evolutionary Features of Novel Transcription Factors. Mol Biol Evol 32(7): 1767-1773.

  7. Zhao Y., Tang L., Li Z., Jin J., Luo J., Gao G.* 2015. Identification and analysis of unitary loss of long-established protein-coding genes in Poaceae shows evidences for biased gene loss and putatively functional transcription of relics. BMC Evol Biol 15: 66. (Featured as “Very Good (being of special significance in its field)” by Faculty of 1000)

  8. Xiao A., Cheng Z., Kong L., Zhu Z., Lin S., Gao G.*, Zhang B.* 2014. CasOT: a genome-wide Cas9/gRNA off-target searching tool. Bioinformatics 30(8): 1180-1182. (Featured as ESI Highly Cited (Top 1%) Paper)

  9. Gao G., Vibranovski M. D., Zhang L., Li Z., Liu M., Zhang Y. E., Li X., Zhang W., Fan Q., VanKuren N. W., Long M., Wei L. 2014. A long-term demasculinization of X-linked intergenic noncoding RNAs in Drosophila melanogaster. Genome Res 24(4): 629-638.

  10. Jin J., Zhang H., Kong L., Gao G.*, Luo J.* 2014. PlantTFDB 3.0: a portal for the functional and evolutionary study of plant transcription factors. Nucleic Acids Res 42(1): D1182-1187. (Featured as ESI Highly Cited (Top 1%) Paper)

  11. Tang X., Hou M., Ding Y., Li Z., Ren L., Gao G.* 2013. Systematically profiling and annotating long intergenic non-coding RNAs in human embryonic stem cell. BMC Genomics 14(Suppl 5): S3. (Featured as “Highly Accessed”)

  12. Kong L., Wang J., Zhao S., Gu X., Luo J.*, Gao G.* 2012. ABrowse - a customizable next-generation genome browser framework. BMC Bioinformatics 13: 2. (Featured as “Highly Accessed”)

  13. Wang J., Kong L., Zhao S., Zhang H., Tang L., Li Z., Gu X., Luo J.*, Gao G.* 2011. Rice-Map: a new-generation rice genome browser. BMC Genomics 12: 165. (Featured as “Highly Accessed”)

  14. Chen Z. X., Zhang Y. E., Vibranovski M., Luo J., Gao G.*, Long M.* 2011. Deficiency of X-linked inverted duplicates with male-biased expression and the underlying evolutionary mechanisms in the Drosophila genome. Mol Biol Evol 28(10): 2823-2832.